Working from the Heart

1 : 1 Coaching with Steven Robert Carlson

If you're like most of my clients, then either you have decided to change your life, or life has decided to surprise you with changesYou've lived your life in a certain way, and maybe that even worked up to a point, but now you're determined to level upMy work is to guide you to your heart, where you can learn how to tap into your innate courage, wisdom, and intuitive guidanceUsing the Sedona Method, you will release painful feelings, and destructive thought patterns that have so far limited your experience of success, happiness, freedom and peaceAs your guide, I bring to this practice 30+ years of career experience as a tech entrepreneur and marketer, public speaker and transformational coachThis is deep work and requires a commitment of at least three months. In addition to our scheduled client sessions, you may reach out for emergency support as required. The service is tailored to your specific needs, and your financial contribution is $3000.When you're ready to take the next step, I have three questions.

"In less than an hour Steven led me from a place of emotional attachment to one of pure presence and unconditional love. The effects of my session glistened for days."- DEVON, Castleton-on-Hudson, NY

What does progress mean to you?

To ensure the best results for you, I need to know whether you and I are a good fit for working with each other.Please take the time you need to answer these questions from your heart. If you and I decide to work together, your answers will be the baseline we use to measure your progress.Once you submit your answers, please allow up to 48 hours for me to review what you wrote, and then we can schedule a discovery call.

Thank You

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